Nourish and Nurture

What Self Care isn't....

What Self Care isn't....

Yes I know, I'm talking about Self Care again...

There's a damn good reason why this topic is hot on my radar and fuels most of the work I do in the world though...

My journey has been touched so profoundly by the daily ritual of making time to stop, linger in stillness, connect in and give back, that I have declared it my mission to inspire and empower women everywhere on the gifts of a regular Self Care routine.

I feel called to a purpose greater than myself and am ready to light the flame and fire-start a revolution...a new feminine paradigm where 'rest' isn't a dirty word and Self Care is something that we grow up seeing as a natural, normal and extremely healthy part of a well-functioning, evolved and balanced society.

With all the buzz around Self Care at the moment (and for good reason - looking after our needs is the most loving act we can offer ourselves), I thought I would jump in and share a little bit about what I feel Self Care isn't...

Simple ways to practise Self Care daily...

Simple ways to practise Self Care daily...


When you read those words what arises for you?

Does it make you feel overwhelmed just thinking about it?
Perhaps you wonder where you might find the time?
Maybe there is a softening inside when you ponder and reflect...something rigid releases and a sigh and yes escape your lips?

Whether you are a staunch advocate for daily Self Care (like me), you are just beginning to dabble or this is a whole new concept for you, the gifts of taking time EVERY. SINGLE. DAY to tune in, listen and honour your deepest needs are profound.

The 'Oh' in Overwhelm...

The 'Oh' in Overwhelm...

This week saw me surprisingly sitting side by side my old buddy overwhelm who to be honest hasn’t been around for a while.
Actually, for the past few weeks I have felt like I was on a down hill slope to overwhelm central with brakes that were a bit dodgy.

I can assure you, she wasn’t invited, and to suggest her stay wasn’t pleasant is an understatement.
In fact, I would have preferred to experience anything else rather then feel her so near again after such a long time apart.


My relationship with overwhelm has been a long-standing one.
We know each other well, greeting each other like a couple of ‘old’ friends who haven’t seen each other in an age when she rocks up unexpectedly, all fake smiles and meaningless banter.

Some days it’s an all-out ambush and others she creeps in insipidly, overthrowing my otherwise peaceful sanctuary into a state of unease and chaos.
Other days I feel barely a caress.

The thing is, the relationship has become totally one-sided.
She gets all the good stuff, and I am just left to pick up the pieces when she breezes out, ready for her next hit somewhere else.

What did I ever get out of it you probably wonder??